Joseph M. Berlinghieri, Faculty Advisor.
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Transect, its editors, and authors have made their best effort to obtain image rights for images contained herein not produced by the authors. All images are intended for academic use.
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Volume 5 Articles
Much as architectural history provides a foundation from which architects engage current issues of building, Transect Volume 5 looks back over the last half-century of the school in order to speculate on the future of architectural pedagogy more broadly. In creating this temporal pedagogical transect, we culminate the investigations of the previous four issues.
Volume 5 also marks a transition for Transect itself, both in publication form and ambition. As a student-produced publication, we are dedicated to both bringing contemporary architectural discourse to NJSOA’s student body and providing a platform for students to begin to contribute to it themselves. We believe that at a professional school located at a polytechnic university, it is imperative that architectural education extend beyond the narrow confines of technical preparation and allow students to develop their own position on the nature and potentialities of the discipline.
By providing a place for the various strands of thought to come together, Transect is an attempt to extend these conversations, deepening the college’s engagement with itself and the broader world. Volume 5 begins that quest.