Falling Into Place
Daniel GirgisUsing a kit of parts consisting of different wall heights as well as different roof panels, I curated movement through the project’s indoor and outdoor space that guides users through the entire complex in an infinite loop. This creates not only an art gallery, but a destination and an experience.
As the user approaches the structure they are presented with a set of walls that seem to cut up the landscape in front of them. The visitor then makes their way through the gallery, surveying the art as they move from enclosure to enclosure. The structure winds its way through an open field,fluidly guiding the visitor between inside and outside.. At the end of the path the user is presented with a choice; leave towards the south, or turn the corner and climb a set of stairs leading to the roof, which adorns the walls as a separate entity. Another path across the top of the gallery, frames views while surrounding the user with foliage and shrubbery. Making their way over the roof and being greeted with another set of stairs, completing the spatial/experiential loop.The galleries are separated in an effort to highlight the different ‘seasons’ of the specific artist, Karen Azarnia, in mind.
The entire structure plays off the idea of the grid system, program, and form playing with one another, continually constant communication
Daniel Girgis is pursuing a Bachelor of Architecture at the New Jersey Institute of Technology. This project was originally prepared for ARCH 296 taught by Donovan Kirkland in Spring 2023.